As Sarah and I have been getting ready for this trip, we've become increasingly aware that well over half our gear was manufactured in China, and is now going to head back to its country of origin on our backs. It makes me think of that family (featured on NPR) who tried to live for a "year without China"; i.e. not use or purchase anything made in China for an entire year. It was apparently extremely difficult to do, since it required extensive background research on all products they wished to purchase. Even if the product wasn't assembled in China, there was a good chance parts it were manufactured in China and shipped to the country where it was assembled. This really highlights just how influential China is on our daily lives, and we don't really think about it much. I certainly plan on thinking more about this impact as we travel and begin to learn a little more about the country where so many of our consumables come from.
awwwww i meant to call before you two departed, but didn't get my act together in time. i can't wait to hear all about your adventures!! safe travels...
Good luck guys, stay safe and have fun.
John Huffman
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