Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not all is pleasant in paradise

So a little story is in order....

We had a rather unusual awakening this morning. There we were, sleeping peacefully under our mosquito net with our heads fairly close together when suddenly our faces get doused in a mist of sorts. We obviously woke up really quick, wondering if it was raining. It has rained a few times since we moved into our bungalow and we know there aren't any leaks, so we quickly ruled that out.... Then there was some scrabbling above us in between the ceiling and the thatch roof -- it turned out to be a rat! So basically, we were woken up out of a peaceful sleep by a rat peeing on our faces..... yuck! That got us up quick. We changed our pillow cases and went swimming.

Ah the things you have to put up with when traveling. This was a new one for both of us.


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